21 February 2025
New Zealand

Us &Them


What do
you give a failed Wall Street bankers that have been bailed out by
the tax payer? If you think the sack then think again. According to
The BBC Wall Street bankers bonuses for 2009 have gone up a whopping
17% or US$ 20.3 billion. Just mention this to your boss when next
negotiating pay!

you Credit it

Energy Minister Gerry Brownlee and Fisheries and Housing Minister
Phil Heatley have been using their ministerial credit card for their
own use. A tearful repentant Mr Heatley who apologised on the TV news
used the credit card to pay for a family trip to the South Island,
wine and meals at the National Party conference, a trip to the cinema
and a meal at a fast food outlet! If any worker had done the
equivalent it would result in instant dismissal. It may come as a
shock but they are still government ministers after paying back the


IRD caught the big four Australian owned banks with their ‘fingers in
the till’, as they were forced by the courts to pay IRD $2.4 billion.

to Jim Anderton MP that’s more than the GST budget for the country,
more than the entire education budget. And in a single year it is
far more than sale of state assets in the 80’s and 90’s that caused
so much grief.